(영어/영화/대본) 해리포터와 불사조 기사단 Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix
[제 목] 해리포터와 불사조기사단 Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix
[장 르] 판타지, 어드밴쳐
[감 독] 데이빗 예이츠
[출 연] 다니엘 레드클리프, 엠마 왓슨, 루퍼트 그린트
Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix
I don 't know about you,it's just too hot today, isn 't it?
And it's going to get even worse.Temperatures in the mid-30s Celsius...
... that's the mid-90s Fahrenheit,tomorrow, maybe even hitting 1 00.
So, please, remember to cover upand stay cool...
... with the hottest hits on your FM dial.
Come on, guys, time to go home.
Come on, love, off you get.
-Do we have to?.-Y es, we do.
I'll make you your favorite dinnerto compensate.
He squealed like a pig, didn't he?.
Yeah, brilliant punch, Big D.Did you see his face?.
Hey, Big D.
Beat up another 1 0-year-old?.
-This one deserved it.-Yeah.
-Five against one, very brave.-Well, you're one to talk.
Moaning in your sleep every night?.At least I'm not afraid of my pillow.
"Don't kill Cedric. "
who's Cedric, your boyfriend?.
-Shut up.-"He's going to kill me, Mum. "
Where is your mum?.
Where is your mum, Potter?.
She dead?.
Is she dead?.
Is she a dead Potter?.
-Dudley.-Dudley, let's go.
-What's going on?.-What are you doing?.
-I'm not doing anything.-We're getting out of here, Dudley.
Come on, Dudley, hurry up.
Dudley, run.
Expecto Patronum.
Mrs. Figg.
Don't put away your wand, Harry.
They might come back.
Dementors in Little Whinging,whatever next?.
-Whole world's gone topsy-turvy.-I don't understand. How do you know?.
Dumbledore asked meto keep an eye on you.
Dumbledore asked you?.You know Dumbledore?.
After You-Know-whokilled that poor Diggory boy last year...
...did you expect him to let yougo wandering on your own?.
Good Lord, boy.They told me you were intelligent.
Now, get inside and stay there.
Expect someone will be in touch soon.Whatever happens, don't leave the house.
It is hot. That's right, hot everywhere.
There's sweat. There's stifling.
Is that you?.
Duddy. Vernon, come quick.
we' re going to have totake him to a hospital.
who did this to you, boy?.
Happy, are we, now?.
You've finally done it.You've finally driven him loopy.
Vernon, don't say that.
well, just look at him, Petunia.Our boy has gone yumpy.
I've reached my limit, do you hear?.
This is the last I'm gonna takeof you and your nonsense.
-Dear Mr. Potter.-What?.
The Ministry has received intelligencethat at 6:.23 this evening...
...you performed the Patronus Charmin the presence of a Muggle.
As a clear violation...
...of the Decree for the ReasonableRestriction of Underage Sorcery...
...you are hereby expelled...
...from Hogwarts Schoolof witchcraft and wizardry.
Hoping you are well, Mafalda Hopkirk.
He's not very well.
Sorry, Hedwig.
Very clean, these Muggles.
-T onks, for God's sake.-Unnatural.
Professor Moody.
-What are you doing here?.-Rescuing you, of course.
But where are we going?.The letter said I've been expelled.
You haven't been. Not yet.Kingsley, you take point.
But the letter said--
Dumbledore persuaded the ministerto suspend your expulsion...
-...pending a formal hearing.-A hearing?.
Don't worry. we'll explain everythingwhen we get back to headquarters.
Not here, Nymphadora.
Don't call me Nymphadora.
Stay in formation, everyone.Don't break ranks if one of us is killed.
Come on, you, around the corner.
Come on.
In you go, son.
There've been no sightings.
No deaths. No proof.
He almost killed Harry.If that isn't proof enough....
Yes, but guarding you-know-whatis the most important....
We must trust Dumbledore on this.
Was he able to protect Harry last year?.T onight I say it's time to take action.
Cornelius Fudge is a politician firstand a wizard second.
-His instinct would be to ignore it---Keep your voices down.
He's getting stronger and strongerby the minute. We have to act now.
-Harry.-Mrs. Weasley.
Heavens, you're all right.
Bit peaky, but I'm afraid dinner will waituntil after the meeting's finished.
Nope. No time to explain.Straight upstairs, first door on the left.
Mudblood, werewolves,traitors, thieves.
If my poor mistressknew the scum they let into her house...
...what would she say to old Kreacher?.
Oh, the shame.
-Freaks.-There, there, mistress.
Scum of the earth.Not like it was in the days of my fathers.
Kreacher is here.
Oh, Harry.
Are you all right?. we overheard themtalking about the Dementor attack.
-You must tell us everything.-Let the man breathe, Hermione.
And this hearing at the Ministry.It's just outrageous.
I've looked it up.They simply can't expel you.
-It's completely unfair.-Yeah.
There's a lot of thatgoing round at the moment.
So, what is this place?.
-It's headquarters.-Of the Order of the Phoenix.
It's a secret society.
Dumbledore formed it back whenthey fought You-Know-who.
Couldn't have put any of thisin a letter, I suppose?.
I've gone all summerwithout a scrap of news.
We wanted to write, mate.Really, we did.
-Only....-Only what?.
Only Dumbledore made us swearnot to tell you anything.
Dumbledore said that?.
But why would he keep me in the dark?.Maybe I could help.
I'm the onewho saw Voldemort return...
...the one who fought him,who saw Cedric Diggory get killed.
-Harry.-Thought we heard your dulcet tones.
-Don't bottle it up, though. Let it out.-lf you're all done shouting....
Do you wanna hear somethinga little more interesting?.
If anyone has a right to know, it's Harry.If it wasn 't for Harry...
... we wouldn 't even knowVoldemort was back.
He 's not a child, Molly.
But he 's not an adult either.
-He 's not James, Sirius.- Well, he 's not your son.
He 's as good as.
- Who else has he got?-Hey, Ginny.
-He 's got me.-How touchingly paternal, Black.
Perhaps Potter will grow upto be a felon, just like his godfather.
Now, you stay out of this, Snivellus.
-Snape's part of the Order?.-Git.
--about your supposed reformation.
-I know better.-So why don 't you tell him?
-Get off it.-Quick.
-Get it up.-Crookshanks.
-Stop it.-Get off, you bloody cat.
-Crookshanks. Leave it alone.-Get it up.
-Hermione, I hate your cat.-Bad Crookshanks.
well, we'll be eatingdown in the kitchen.
Just because you're allowedto use magic now...
...does not mean you have towhip your wands out for everything.
Hi, Mum.
You hungry, Harry?.
You sure you're all right, Harry?.Gave us quite a turn.
Harry Potter.
This is very, very peculiar.
It seems your hearing in the Ministryis to be before the entire wizengamot.
I don't understand. what hasthe Ministry of Magic got against me?.
Show him. He'll find out soon enough.
He's been attacking Dumbledore as well.
Fudge is using all his power, includinghis influence at the Daily Prophet...
...to smear anyone who claimsthe Dark Lord has returned.
He thinks Dumbledore's after his job.
No one in their right mindcould believe that--
Exactly the point.Fudge isn't in his right mind.
It's been twisted and warped by fear.
Now, fear makes peopledo terrible things, Harry.
The last timeVoldemort gained power...
...he almost destroyedeverything we hold most dear.
Now he's returned, and I'm afraidthe minister will do almost anything...
...to avoid facing that terrifying truth.
we think Voldemortwants to build up his army again.
Fourteen years ago,he had huge numbers at his command.
And not just witches and wizards,but all manner of dark creatures.
He's been recruiting heavily, and we'vebeen attempting to do the same.
But gathering followersisn't the only thing he's interested in.
We believe...
...Voldemort may be after something.
Something he didn't have last time.
You mean like a weapon?.
No. That's enough. He's just a boy.
You say more and you might as wellinduct him into the Order.
Good. I want to join. If Voldemort'sraising an army, then I want to fight.
You are hereby expelled.
Before the entire Wizengamot.
T rains. Underground.
Ingenious, these Muggles.
Here we are.
I've never used the visitors' entrancebefore. Should be fun.
Right. Good.I'll just get my Muggle money.
Terrible. Lost a lot of Galleonstrading on the potions market.
Daily Prophet, ladies and gentlemen.Anybody for Daily Prophet?
Dumbledore: Is he daft,or is he dangerous?.
-Morning, Arthur.-Morning, Bob.
Interdepartmental memos.
We used to use owls.Mess was unbelievable.
Merlin's beard. Thank you, Kingsley.
They've changed the timeof your hearing.
When is it?.
In five minutes.
Department of Mysteries.
And l' m confident, minister,that you will do the right thing.
Yes, but we must be--
Remember, during the hearing,speak only when you're spoken to.
Keep calm.You've done nothing wrong.
As the Muggles say, truth will out.
I'm not allowed in, I'm afraid.
Good luck, Harry.
Disciplinary hearingof the 1 2th of August...
...into offenses committedby Harry James Potter...
...resident at Number 4 Privet Drive,Little Whinging, Surrey.
Interrogators: Cornelius Oswald Fudge,Minister of Mag--
Witness for the defense.
Albus Percival wulfric...
...Brian Dumbledore.
You got our messagethat the time and place of the hearing...
-...had been changed, did you?.-I must have missed it.
But by a happy mistake, I arrivedat the Ministry three hours early.
The charges?.
The charges against the accusedare as follows:
"That he did knowingly...
...and in full awarenessof the illegality of his actions...
...produce a Patronus Charm...
...in the presence of a Muggle. "
-Do you deny producing said Patronus?.-No, but--
And you were aware that you wereforbidden to use magic outside school...
-...while under the age of 1 7?.-Yes, I was, but--
witches and wizardsof the wizengamot--
I was only doing itbecause of the Dementors.
In Little Whinging?.
That's quite clever.
Muggles can't see Dementors,can they, boy?.
-Highly convenient.-I'm not lying.
-There were two of them, if I hadn't---Enough.
I'm sorry to interrupt what I'm surewould be a very well-rehearsed story...
...but since you can produceno witnesses of the event--
Pardon me, minister,but as it happens, we can.
Please describe the attack.
What did they look like?.
well, one of them was very largeand the other rather skinny.
Not the boys. The Dementors.
Oh, right, right. well, big.
Cloaked. Then everything went cold...
...as though all the happinesshad gone from the world.
Now, look here. Dementors don't justwander into a Muggle suburb...
...and happen across a wizard.The odds are astronomical.
I don't think anyone would believe...
...the Dementors were thereby coincidence, minister.
I'm sure I must have misunderstood you,professor.
Dementors are, after all, underthe control of the Ministry of Magic.
And it's so silly of me, but it soundedfor a moment as though...
...you were suggesting that the Ministryhad ordered the attack on this boy.
That would be disturbing indeed,Madam Undersecretary...
...which is why I'm sure the Ministrywill be mounting a full-scale inquiry...
...into why the two Dementorswere so very far from Azkaban...
...and why they mounted an attackwithout authorization.
Of course, there is someone...
...who might be behind the attack.
Cornelius, I implore you to see reason.
The evidence that the Dark Lordhas returned is incontrovertible.
He is not back.
In the matter of Harry Potter...
...the law clearly states...
...that magic may be used beforeMuggles in life-threatening situations.
Laws can be changed if necessary,Dumbledore.
Clearly. Has it become practiceto hold a full criminal trial...
...to deal with a simple matterof underage magic?.
Those in favor of conviction?.
Those in favorof clearing the accused of all charges?.
Cleared of all charges.
Padfoot. Are you barking mad?.
You'll blow the entire operation.
Sirius, what are you doing here?.If somebody sees you....
I had to see you off, didn't l?.
What's life without a little risk?.
I don't wanna see youget chucked back in Azkaban.
Don't worry about me.
Anyway, I wanted you to have this.
Original Order of the Phoenix.
Marlene McKinnon.
She was killedtwo weeks after this was taken.
Voldemort wiped out her entire family.
Frank and Alice Longbottom.
Neville's parents.
They suffered a fate worse than death,you ask me.
It's been 1 4 years.
And still a day doesn't go byI don't miss your dad.
Do you really thinkthere's going to be a war, Sirius?.
It feels like it did before.
You keep it.
Anyway, I supposeyou're the young ones now.
I'll see you at the train.
Bye-bye, darling.
I love you.
Hold my hand, lovey.
There they are.They're in the far carriage.
I'm surprised the Ministry'sstill letting you walk around free.
Better enjoy it while you can.
I expect there's a cell in Azkabanwith your name on it.
-what'd I tell you?. Complete nutter.-Just stay away from me!
It's only Malfoy.
What'd you expect?.
Hi, guys.
-Hey, Neville.-Hey there, Neville.
What is it?.
-What's what?.-That. Pulling the carriage.
Nothing's pulling the carriage, Harry.
It's pulling itself, like always.
You're not going mad.
I can see them too.
You're just as sane as I am.
Everyone, this is Loony Love--
Luna Lovegood.
What an interesting necklace.
It's a charm, actually.
Keeps away the Nargles.
I hope there's pudding.
-What's a Nargle?.-No idea.
Good evening, children.
Now, we have two changesin staffing this year.
We're pleased to welcome backProfessor Grubbly-Plank...
...who'll be takingCare of Magical Creatures...
...while Professor Hagridis on temporary leave.
We also wish to welcome our newDefense Against the Dark Arts teacher...
... Professor Dolores Umbridge.
And l' m sure you'll all join mein wishing the professor good luck.
Now, as usual, our caretaker, Mr. Filch,has asked me to remind you--
She was at my hearing.She works for Fudge.
Thank you, headmaster,for those kind words of welcome.
And how lovely to see all your bright...
...happy faces smiling up at me.
I'm sure we're all goingto be very good friends.
-That's likely.-That's likely.
The Ministry of Magichas always considered...
...the education of young witchesand wizards to be of vital importance.
Although each headmaster...
...has brought something newto this historic school...
... progress for the sake of progressmust be discouraged.
Let us preservewhat must be preserved...
... perfect what can be perfected...
...and prune practicesthat ought to be prohibited.
Thank you, Professor Umbridge.That really was most illuminating.
-llluminating?. What a load of waffle.-What's it mean?.
Magic is forbidden in the corridors....
It means the Ministry'sinterfering at Hogwarts.
Dean, Seamus.
-Good holiday?.-All right.
Better than Seamus', anyway.
Me mum didn't want meto come back this year.
-Why not?.-Let me see. Because of you.
The Daily Prophet's been saying a lotof things about you and Dumbledore.
What, your mum believes them?.
Nobody was therethe night Cedric died.
I guess you should read the Prophet,then, like your stupid mother.
-Don't talk about my mother.-I'll have a go at anyone calling me a liar.
-What's going on?.-He's mad, is what's going on.
Do you believe the rubbish he'scome out with about You-Know-who?.
Yeah. I do.
Has anyone elsegot a problem with Harry?.
-You all right?.-Fine.
Seamus was bang out of order, mate.
-But he'll come through, you'll see.-I said, I'm fine, Ron.
Right. I'll just leave youto your thoughts, then.
Bring it over here. Over here.
Oh, go on, Seamus. Go on, get it.
Good morning, children.
Ordinary wizarding Level examinations.
More commonly known as OWLs.
Study hard and you will be rewarded.
Fail to do so,and the consequences may be severe.
Your previous instruction in this subjecthas been disturbingly uneven.
But you'll be pleased to know,from now on...
...you will be following a carefullystructured, Ministry-approved...
...course of defensive magic. Y es?.
There's nothing in hereabout using defensive spells?.
Using spells?.
Well, I can't imagine why you wouldneed to use spells in my classroom.
We're not gonna use magic?.
You'll be learning about defensive spellsin a secure, risk-free way.
What use is that?.If we're attacked, it won't be risk-free.
Students will raise their handswhen they speak in my class.
It is the view of the Ministry...
...that a theoretical knowledgewill be sufficient...
...to get you throughyour examinations...
...which, after all,is what school is all about.
And how's theory supposedto prepare us for what's out there?.
There is nothing out there, dear.
who do you imaginewants to attack children like yourself?.
Oh, I don't know.Maybe Lord Voldemort.
Now, let me make this quite plain.
You have been told...
...that a certain dark wizardis at large once again.
-This is a lie.-It's not a lie. I saw him. I fought him.
Detention, Mr. Potter.
Cedric Diggory dropped deadof his own accord?.
Cedric Diggory's deathwas a tragic accident.
It was murder. Voldemort killed him.
See me later, Mr. Potter. My office.
Come in.
Good evening, Mr. Potter.
You're going to be doing some linesfor me today, Mr. Potter.
No, not with your quill.
Going to be usinga rather special one of mine.
...I want you to write,"l must not tell lies. "
How many times?.
well, let's say for as long as it takesfor the message to sink in.
You haven't given me any ink.
Oh, you won't need any ink.
-Nothing.-That's right.
Because you know, deep down...
...you deserve to be punished.
Don't you, Mr. Potter?.
Go on.
-Skiving Snackboxes.-Sweets that make you ill.
Get out of class whenever you like.
Obtain hours of pleasurefrom unprofitable boredom.
Care for another?.
-I'm not asking you to write all of it.-Please.
I've been busy studyingfor these stupid OwL exams.
I'll do the introduction. That's all.
Hermione, you're honestly the mostwonderful person I've ever met.
-And if I'm ever rude to you again....-I'll know you've gone back to normal.
What's wrong with your hand?.
The other hand.
-You've got to tell Dumbledore.-No.
Dumbledore's got enoughon his mind right now.
I don't want to giveUmbridge the satisfaction.
Bloody hell, Harry.The woman's torturing you.
-lf the parents knew about this....-I haven't got any of those, have l, Ron?.
Harry, you've got to report this.
-It's perfectly simple. You're being---No, it's not.
Hermione, whatever this is,it's not simple.
You don't understand.
Then help us to.
Dear Padfoot...
...I hope you're all right.
It's starting to get colder here.Winter is definitely on the way.
In spite of being back at Hogwarts,I feel more alone than ever.
I know you, of all people,will understand.
Hello, Harry Potter.
-Your feet. Aren't they cold?.-Bit.
Unfortunately, all my shoeshave mysteriously disappeared.
I suspect Nargles are behind it.
-What are they?.-They' re called Thestrals.
They' re quite gentle, really, but peopleavoid them because they' re a bit....
But why can't the others see them?.
They can only be seenby people who've seen death.
So you've known someonewho's died, then?.
My mum.
She was quite an extraordinary witch,but she did like to experiment...
...and one day,one of her spells went badly wrong.
-I was 9.-I'm sorry.
Yes, it was rather horrible.
I do feel very sad about it sometimes,but I've got Dad.
we both believe you, by the way.
That He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Namedis back, and you fought him...
...and the Ministry and the Prophetare conspiring against you.
Thanks. It seems you're aboutthe only ones that do.
I don't think that's true.
But I supposethat's how he wants you to feel.
What do you mean?.
Well, if I were You-Know-Who...
...I'd want you to feel cut offfrom everyone else...
...because if it's just you alone...
...you're not as much of a threat.
-Do you ever stop eating?.-What?. I'm hungry.
Can I join you?.
Pardon me, professor,but what exactly are you insinuating?.
I am merely requestingthat when it comes to my students...
...you conform to the prescribeddisciplinary practices.
So silly of me, but it sounds...
...as if you're questioning my authorityin my own classroom...
Not at all, Dolores,merely your medieval methods.
I am sorry, dear.
But to question my practicesis to question the Ministry...
...and by extension,the minister himself.
I am a tolerant woman...
...but the one thingI will not stand for is disloyalty.
Things at Hogwartsare far worse than I feared.
Cornelius will wantto take immediate action.
What's happened to Dumbledore?.
Having already revolutionized...
... the teachingof Defense Against the Dark Arts...
...Dolores Umbridge will,as high inquisitor, have powers...
...to address the seriously fallingstandards at Hogwarts School.
Just one question, dear.
You've been in this posthow long, exactly?.
You applied first for the Defense Againstthe Dark Arts post, is that correct?.
But you were unsuccessful?.
Could you please predict somethingfor me?.
I' m sorry?.
Move those mouths.
One teensy little prophecy?.
No, wait. Wait, no.I think I do see something.
Yes, I do. Something dark.
You are in grave danger.
Cho. what's going on?.
It's Professor Trelawney.
Sixteen years I've livedand taught here.
Hogwarts is my home.
You can't do this.
Actually, I can.
Something you'd like to say?.
Oh, there are several thingsI would like to say.
Professor McGonagall, might I ask youto escort Sybil back inside?.
Sybil, dear. This way.
Thank you.
Dumbledore, may I remind youthat under the terms...
...of Educational Decree Number 23,as enacted by the minister--
You have the rightto dismiss my teachers.
You do not, however, have the authorityto banish them from the grounds.
That power remainswith the headmaster.
For now.
Don't you all have studying to do?.
Professor Dumbledore. Professor!
Professor Dumbledore.
That foul, evil, old gargoyle.
We' re not learninghow to defend ourselves.
We' re not learninghow to pass our OWLs.
She's taking over the entire school.
Security has been and will remainthe Ministry's top priority.
Furthermore,we have convincing evidence...
... that these disappearancesare the work...
... of notoriousmass murderer Sirius Black.
-what are you doing here?.-Answering your letter.
You said you were worriedabout Umbridge. what's she doing?.
T raining you to kill half-breeds?.
-She's not letting us use magic at all.-well, I'm not surprised.
The latest intelligence is that Fudgedoesn't want you trained in combat.
What does he think,we're forming some sort of wizard army?.
That's exactly what he thinks.
That Dumbledore is assemblinghis own forces to take on the Ministry.
He's becoming more paranoidby the minute.
The others wouldn't want metelling you this, Harry...
...but things aren't going at all wellwith the Order.
Fudge is blocking the truthat every turn...
...and these disappearancesare just how it started before.
Voldemort is on the move.
Well, what can we do?.
Someone's coming.
I'm sorry I can't be of more help.
But for now, at least,it looks like you're on your own.
He really is out there, isn't he?.
We've got to be ableto defend ourselves.
And if Umbridge refuses to teach ushow, we need someone who will.
This is mad.Who'd wanna be taught by me?.
I'm a nutter, remember?.
Look on the bright side: you can't beany worse than old toad face.
-Thanks, Ron.-I'm here for you, mate.
Who's supposed to be meeting us, then?.
Just a couple of people.
Lovely spot.
Thought it would be saferoff the beaten track.
Matey, come back here.
So you all know why we're here.
We need a teacher.
A proper teacher.
One who's had experience defendingthemselves against the Dark Arts.
Because You-Know-who's back,you tosspot.
-So he says.-So Dumbledore says.
So Dumbledore says because he says.
The point is, where's the proof?.
If Potter could tell us moreabout how Diggory got killed....
I'm not gonna talk about Cedric, so ifthat's why you're here, clear out now.
Come on, Hermione. They're herebecause they think I'm some freak.
Is it true you can producea Patronus Charm?.
I've seen it.
Blimey, Harry.I didn't know you could do that.
And he killed a basilisk, with the swordin Dumbledore's office.
It's true.
Third year, he fought offabout a hundred Dementors at once.
Last year, he really did fight offYou-Know-who in the flesh.
Look, it all sounds greatwhen you say it like that...
...but the truth is,most of that was just luck.
I didn't know what I was doinghalf the time. I nearly always had help.
-He's just being modest.-No, Hermione, I'm not.
Facing this stuff in real lifeis not like school.
In school, if you make a mistake,you can just try again tomorrow.
But out there...
...when you're a second awayfrom being murdered...
...or watching a friend dieright before your eyes....
You don't know what that's like.
You're right, Harry, we don't.
That's why we need your help.
Because if we're going to haveany chance at beating...
He's really back.
Right. First we need to finda place to practice...
...where Umbridge won't find out.
-The Shrieking Shack.-It's too small.
-Forbidden Forest?.-Not bloody likely.
Harry, what happensif Umbridge does find out?.
Who cares?.
I mean, it's sort of exciting, isn't it,breaking the rules?.
who are you and what have you donewith Hermione?.
Anyway, at least we knowone positive thing that came from today.
What's that?.
Cho couldn't take her eyes off you,could she?.
Right. Over the next few days,we should each come up...
...with a couple of possibilitiesof places we can practice.
We've got to make sure, wherever it is,there's no chance she can find us.
Will do, Harry.
All student organizationsare henceforth disbanded.
Any student in noncompliancewill be expelled.
Watch where you' re going,Longbottom.
You 've done it, Neville.You found the Room of Requirement.
The what?
It's also known asthe Come and Go Room.
The Room of Requirement only appearswhen a person has real need of it.
And it's always equippedfor the seeker's needs.
So say you really needed the toilet....
Charming, Ronald.But, yes, that is the general idea.
It's brilliant. It's like Hogwartswants us to fight back.
I'm hopeless.
You're just flourishing your wandtoo much. Try it like this. Expelliarmus.
You will please copythe approved text four times...
...to ensure maximum retention.
-There will be no need to talk.-No need to think's more like it.
-Expelliarmus.-wands away.
Stunning is one of the most useful spellsin your arsenal.
It's a wizard's bread and butter, really.
So come on, then, Nigel.Give it your best shot.
Good. Not bad at all, Nigel. well done.
Don't worry. I'll go easy on you.
Thanks, Ronald.
-Come on, Ron.-Come on, Ron.
-You can do it.-Come on, Ron.
-One Sickle.-You're on.
-Thank you.-Shut up.
I let her do that.It's good manners, isn't it?.
It was completely intentional.
Up you come.Would you like a cup of tea?.
Now, focus on a fixed pointand try again.
Very good. Keep your concentration.
A little higher.
I' m okay. I' m okay.
Those wishing to jointhe Inquisitorial Squad for extra credit...
...may sign upin the high inquisitor's office.
working hard is important, but there'ssomething that matters even more:
Believing in yourself.
-Expelliarmus.-Levicorpus. Got it.
Think of it this way.
Every great wizard in historyhas started out...
...as nothing morethan what we are now : students.
If they can do it, why not us?.
Fantastic, Neville. Well done, man.
So that's it for this lesson.
Now, we' re not gonna be meeting againuntil after the holidays.
So just keep practicing on your ownas best you can.
And well done, everyone.Great, great work.
Well done, mate.
See you after Christmas.
See you in the Common Room, Harry.
-Thanks a lot, Harry.-No worries.
-Thank you so much.-Not at all. Merry Christmas.
-Thank you, Harry.-Thank you. Merry Christmas.
-Merry Christmas.-Have a good Christmas.
-Have a great Christmas, Luna.-We've been thinking.
we could always slip Umbridgesome Puking Pastilles.
Or Fever Fudge. They give youmassive, pus-filled boils--
Sounds great, guys.would you excuse me?.
Are you all right?. I heard Umbridgegave you a rough time the other day.
Yeah. I'm okay.
Anyway, it's worth it.
It's just, learning all this...
...makes me wonder whether,if he'd known it....
Cedric did know this stuff.
He was really good.
It's just, Voldemort was better.
You're a really good teacher, Harry.
I've never been ableto stun anything before.
Probably full of Nargles, though.
What are Nargles?.
No idea.
Well, how was it?
I mean, she was sort of crying.
That bad at it, are you?.
I' m sure Harry's kissingwas more than satisfactory.
Cho spends half her timecrying these days.
You'd think a bit of snoggingwould cheer her up.
Don't you understandhow she must be feeling?.
well, obviouslyshe's feeling sad about Cedric...
...and confused about liking Harryand guilty about kissing him...
...conflicted because Umbridge mightsack her mum from the Ministry...
...and frightened of failing her OwLsbecause she's worrying about everything.
One person couldn't feel all that.They'd explode.
Just because you've gotthe emotional range of a teaspoon....
Voldemort may be after something.
Something he didn 't have last time.
In the dream,were you standing next to the victim...
...or looking down at the scene?.
Neither. It was like l....
Will you please just tell mewhat's happening?.
Everard, Arthur's on guard dutytonight.
Make sure he's foundby the right people.
You must go to your portraitat Grimmauld Place.
Tell them that Arthur Weasleyis gravely injured...
...and his children will be arriving theresoon by Portkey.
They've got him, Albus. It was close,but they think he'll make it.
what's more,the Dark Lord failed to acquire it.
Oh, thank goodness. Next we need to--
Look at me!
What's happening to me?.
You wished to see me, headmaster?.
Oh, Severus. I'm afraid we can't wait.Not even till the morning.
Otherwise, we'll all be vulnerable.
It appears there's a connection...
...between the Dark Lord's mindand your own.
whether he is, as yet, aware of thisconnection is, for the moment, unclear.
Pray he remains ignorant.
You mean, if he knows about it, then...
-...he'll be able to read my mind?.-Read it, control it...
...unhinge it.
In the past, it was oftenthe Dark Lord's pleasure...
...to invade the minds of his victims...
...creating visions designedto torture them into madness.
Only after extracting the last exquisiteounce of agony...
...only when he had them literallybegging for death, would he finally...
...kill them.
Used properly,the power of Occlumency...
...will help shield youfrom access or influence.
In these lessons, I will attemptto penetrate your mind.
You will attempt to resist.
Prepare yourself.
Concentrate, Potter. Focus.
Ho, ho, ho. Merry Christmas.
Here we go.
Daddy's back.
Sit down, everybody, sit down.That's it. Now, presents.
-And a nice big box for Ron.-Big box for you. And....
Fred and George. Come on, open up.
-I want to see your faces.-Yes.
-Try it on.-Thanks, Mum. It's perfect.
-Just what he wanted, actually.-Yeah. Right. Thanks, Mum.
Come on, then, everybody.Let's clear this away.
Oh, Harry, Harry.
There you are.
-Happy Christmas.-Thank you.
-Lovely to have you with us.-Thank you.
Now, Daddy. Pass that to Daddy.
-Thank you.-Has everybody got?.
Fred?. George?.
-Hermione.-A Christmas toast.
T o Mr. Harry Potter...
...without whom I would not be here.
That is delicious.I shall be needing some more of that.
Daddy, don't forget last Christmas.
I can't understandwhy you don't want to wear it, Ronald.
I look like a bloody idiot, that's why.
No more than usual, Ron.
I don't know why....
Nasty brat, standing thereas bold as brass.
Harry Potter,the boy who stopped the Dark Lord.
Friend of Mudbloodsand blood-traitors alike.
-lf my poor mistress only knew....-Kreacher!
That's enough of your bile.Away with you!
Of course, master.
Kreacher lives to servethe noble house of Black.
Sorry about that.
He never was very pleasant,even when I was a boy.
Not to me, anyway.
What, you grew up here?.
This is my parents' house.
I offered it to Dumbledoreas headquarters for the Order.
About the only useful thingI've been able to do.
This is the Black family tree.
My deranged cousin.
I hated the lot of them.
My parents with their pure-blood mania.
My mother did that after I ran away.
Charming woman.
I was 1 6.
Where did you go?.
Round your dad's.
I was always welcome at the Potters'.
I see him so much in you, Harry.
You are so very much alike.
I'm not so sure.
Sirius, when I was....
when I saw Mr. weasley attacked,I wasn't just watching.
I was the snake.
And afterwards,in Dumbledore's office...
...there was a momentwhen I wanted to--
This connectionbetween me and Voldemort.
what if the reason for itis that I am becoming more like him?.
I just feel so angry all the time.
And what if, after everythingthat I've been through...
...something's gone wrong inside me?.what if I'm becoming bad?.
I want you to listen to mevery carefully, Harry.
You're not a bad person.
You're a very good personwho bad things have happened to.
You understand?.
Besides, the world isn't splitinto good people and Death Eaters.
We've all got both light and darkinside of us.
what mattersis the part we choose to act on.
That's who we really are.
Harry, time to go.
When all this is over,we'll be a proper family.
You'll see.
Come on.
Harry. Harry.
Hagrid's back.
I'm sorry.
I will say this one last time.
I'm ordering you to tell mewhere you've been.
I told you. I've been awayfor me health.
-Your health?.-Yeah. Bit of fresh air, you know.
Oh, yes. As gamekeeper,fresh air must be difficult to come by.
If I were you,I shouldn't get too used to being back.
In fact, I mightn't botherunpacking at all.
This is top-secret, right?.
Dumbledore sent meto parley with the giants.
You found them?.
well, they're not that hard to find, to beperfectly honest. They're so big, see?.
I tried to convince themto join the cause.
But I wasn't the only onethat was trying to win them over.
-Death Eaters?.-Yes.
Trying to persuade themto join You-Know-who.
-Did they?.-I gave them Dumbledore's message.
Suppose some of them rememberhe was friendly to them. I suppose.
And they did this to you?.
Not exactly, no.
Oh, go on, you have it, then,you dozy dog.
It's changing out there.
Just like last time.
There's a storm coming, Harry.
We'd all best be ready when she does.
We have confirmedthat 10 high-security prisoners...
...in the early hours of yesterday eveningdid escape.
And of course, the Muggle prime ministerhas been alerted to the danger.
We strongly suspect...
...that the breakout was engineered...
... by a man with personal experiencein escaping from Azkaban...
... notorious mass murderer Sirius Black...
... cousin of escapeeBellatrix Lestrange.
Dumbledore warned Fudgethis could happen.
He's gonna get us all killedjust because he can't face the truth.
I wanted to apologize.
Now even me mum says the Prophet'sversion of things don't add up.
So, what I'm really trying to sayis that I believe you.
Fourteen years ago...
...a Death Eaternamed Bellatrix Lestrange...
...used a Cruciatus Curseon my parents.
She tortured them for information...
... but they never gave in.
I'm quite proud to be their son.
But I'm not sure I'm readyfor everyone to know just yet.
We're gonna make them proud, Neville.That's a promise.
Make it a powerful memory,the happiest you can remember.
Allow it to fill you up.Keep trying, Seamus.
George, your turn now.
Expecto Patronum.
A full-bodied Patronusis the most difficult to produce...
... but shield forms can also be equallyuseful against a variety of opponents.
Wow, that was really good.
Fantastic, Ginny.
Just remember, your Patronus can onlyprotect you for as long as you stay focused.
So focus, Luna.
Think of the happiest thing you can.
Expecto Patronum.
-l' m trying.-I know. It's good.
This is really advanced stuff, guys.You' re doing so well.
Expecto Patronum.
I'll make short work of this.
Bombarda Maxima.
Get them.
Been watching them for weeks.
And see, " Dumbledore's Army"...
... proof of what I've been telling youright from the beginning, Cornelius.
All your fear-mongeringabout You-Know-who...
...never fooled us for a minute.
we saw your lies for what they were:
A smokescreen for your bidto seize control of the Ministry.
No, professor.He had nothing to do with it. It was me.
Most noble of you, Harry, to shield me,but as has been pointed out...
...the parchment clearly says"Dumbledore's Army," not "Potter's. "
I instructed Harryto form this organization.
And l, and I alone,am responsible for its activities.
Dispatch an owl to the Daily prophet.
If we hurry, we should still makethe morning edition.
Dawlish, Shacklebolt,you will escort Dumbledore...
...to Azkaban...
...to await trialfor conspiracy and sedition.
I thought we might hit this little snag.
You seem to be laboringunder the delusion that I'm going to--
What was the phrase?.
--come quietly.
Well, I can tell you this:
I have no intentionof going to Azkaban.
Enough of this.
Take him.
well, you may not like him, minister...
...but you can't deny...
...Dumbledore has got style.
Boys and girls are not permittedto be within eight inches of each other.
Those wishing to jointhe Inquisitorial Squad for extra credit....
Students will be submitted to questioningabout suspected illicit activities.
Any student in noncompliancewill be expelled.
You did everything you could.No one could win against that old hag.
Even Dumbledoredidn't see this coming.
Harry, if it's anyone's fault, it's ours.
Yeah, we talked you into it.
Yeah, but I agreed.
I tried so hard to help,and all it's done is make things worse.
Anyway, that doesn't matter anymore.
Because I don't want to play anymore.All it does is make you care too much.
And the more you care,the more you have to lose.
-So maybe it's just better to....-T o what?.
T o go it alone.
Any idea where he's taking us?.
Hagrid, why can't you just tell us?.
I've never seen the centaurs so riled.
And they're dangerousat the best of times.
The Ministry restrictstheir territory much more...
...they'll have a full uprisingon their hands.
Hagrid, what's going on?.
I'm sorry to be so mysterious, you three.
I wouldn't be bothering you at all with it,but with Dumbledore gone...
...I'll likely be getting the sackany day now.
And I just couldn't leavewithout telling someone about him.
Down here, you great buffoon.
Brought you some company.
I couldn't just leave him, because--
Because he's my brother.
Well, half brother, really.
He's completely harmless, just like I said.Little high-spirited, is all.
-Grawpy, that is not polite.-Hagrid, do something.
We talked about this.You do not grab, do you?.
That's your new friend, Hermione.
Put me down.
You all right?.
Just needs a firm hand, is all.
I think you've got an admirer.
You just stay away from her, all right?.
He gets his own food and all.
It's company he'll be needingwhen I'm gone.
You will look after him, won't you?.
I'm the only family he's got.
Feeling sentimental?.
-That's private.-Not to me.
And not to the Dark Lord,if you don't improve.
Every memory he has access tois a weapon he can use against you.
You won't last two secondsif he invades your mind.
You're just like your father.
Lazy, arrogant.
-Don't say a word against my father.-weak.
-I'm not weak.-Then prove it. Control your emotions. Discipline your mind. Legilimens.
I may vomit.
Stop it.
Is this what you call control?.
We've been at it for hours.If I could just rest.
The Dark Lord isn't resting.
You and Black, you' re two of a kind.
Sentimental children forever whiningabout how unfair your lives have been.
well, it may have escaped your notice,but life isn't fair.
Your blessed father knew that.In fact, he frequently saw to it.
-My father was a great man.-Your father was a swine.
Come on, Moony, Padfoot.
Snape. Expelliarmus.
Nice one, James.
Snivellus Greasy.Snivellus Greasy.
Right. who wants to see metake off Snivelly's trousers?.
Snivellus Greasy.Snivellus Greasy.
Your lessons are at an end.
Get out.
-What's your name?.-Michael.
Your hand's gonna be fine, Michael.
Yeah. It's not as bad as it seems. See?.
It's fading already.
You can hardly see ours anymore,and the pain stops after a while.
As I told you once before, Mr. Potter...
...naughty childrendeserve to be punished.
You know, George...
...I've always felt our futures lay outsidethe world of academic achievement.
Fred, I've been thinkingexactly the same thing.
All right, professor!
Here you go.
Ready when you are.
I need that prophecy.
You'll have to kill me.
Oh, I will.But first, you will fetch it for me.
Crucio. Sirius.
Harry, are you sure?.
I saw it. It's just likewith Mr. weasley.
It's the door I've been dreaming about.
I couldn't rememberwhere I'd seen it before.
Sirius said Voldemortwas after something.
Something he didn't have the last time,in the Department of Mysteries.
Harry, please, just listen.
what if Voldemortmeant for you to see this?.
what if he's only hurting Siriusbecause he's trying to get to you?.
What if he is?.I' m supposed to just let him die?.
Hermione,he's the only family I've got left.
What do we do?.
We'll have to use the Floo Network.
Umbridge has the chimneysunder surveillance.
Not all of them.
Alert the Order if you can.
-Are you mental?. we' re going with you.-It's too dangerous.
when are you going to get itinto your head?. we're in this together.
That you are.
Caught this onetrying to help the weasley girl.
You were going to Dumbledore,weren't you?.
-You sent for me, headmistress?.-Snape, yes.
The time has come for answers, whetherhe wants to give them to me or not.
Have you brought the Veritaserum?.
I'm afraid you've used upall my stores interrogating students.
The last of it on Miss Chang.
Unless you wish to poison him--
And I assure you, I would havethe greatest sympathy if you did.
--I cannot help you.
He's got Padfoot.
He's got Padfoot at the placewhere it's hidden.
Padfoot?. What is Padfoot?.Where what is hidden?.
What is he talking about, Snape?.
No idea.
Very well.
You give me no choice, Potter.
As this is an issueof Ministry security...
...you leave me with...
...no alternative.
The Cruciatus Curseought to loosen your tongue.
That's illegal.
What Cornelius doesn't knowwon't hurt him.
Tell her, Harry!
Tell me what?.
Well, if you won't tell her where it is...
...I will.
Where what is?.
Dumbledore's secret weapon.
How much further?.
Not far.
It had to be somewherestudents wouldn't find it accidentally.
What are you doing?.
Where is this weapon?. There isn't one, is there?. You were trying to trick me. You know...
...I really hate children.
You have no business here, centaur.This is a Ministry matter.
Lower your weapons.
I warn you, under the law, ascreatures of near-human intelligence....
How dare you?.
Filthy half-breed.
Please. Please stop it. Please.
Now, enough. I will have order.
You filthy animal.
Do you know who I am?.
Leave him alone. It's not his fault.
No, he doesn't understand.
Potter, do something.Tell them I mean no harm.
I'm sorry, professor.
But I must not tell lies.
What are you doing?.
I am Senior UndersecretaryDolores Jane Umbridge.
Let me go!
Thank you, Grawp.
Hermione. Hermione, Sirius.
-How'd you get away?.-Puking Pastilles. It wasn't pretty.
Told them I was hungry,wanted some sweets.
They told me to bugger offand ate the lot themselves.
That was clever, Ron.
-Has been known to happen.-lt was brilliant.
So how are we getting to London?.
Look, it's not that I don't appreciateeverything you've done, all of you...
...but I've got youinto enough trouble as it is.
Dumbledore's Army's supposed to beabout doing something real.
Or was that all just words to you?.
Maybe you don't have to do thisall by yourself, mate.
So how are we going to get to London?.
We fly, of course.
Department of Mysteries.
This is it.
Ninety-two. Ninety-three.
-He should be here.-Harry.
It's got your name on it.
The one with the powerto vanquish the Dark Lord approaches.
And the Dark Lordshall mark him as his equal...
...but he shall have powerthe Dark Lord knows not.
For neither can livewhile the other survives.
Where's Sirius?.
You know, you really should learnto tell the difference between dreams...
...and reality.
You saw only what the Dark Lordwanted you to see.
Now, hand me the prophecy.
If you do anything to us, I'll break it.
He knows how to play.
Itty, bitty baby.
Bellatrix Lestrange.
Neville Longbottom, is it?.How's Mum and Dad?.
Better, now they'reabout to be avenged.
Now, let's everybodyjust calm down...
...shall we?.
All we want is that prophecy.
Why did Voldemortneed me to come and get this?.
You dare speak his name?.
You filthy half-blood!
It's all right.He's just a curious lad, aren't you?.
Prophecies can only be retrievedby those about whom they are made.
which is lucky for you, really.
Haven't you always wondered...
...the reason for the connectionbetween you and the Dark Lord?.
why he was unable to kill you...
...when you were just an infant?.
Don't you want to knowthe secret of your scar?.
All the answers are there, Potter,in your hand.
All you have to do...
...is give it to me.
Then I can show you everything.
I've waited 1 4 years.
I know.
I guess I can wait a little longer.Now. Stupefy.
Petrificus Totalus.
Well done, Neville.
Get back to the door.
Department of Mysteries.They got that bit right, didn't they?.
The voices.
Can you tell what they' re saying?.
There aren't any voices, Harry.
Let's get out of here.
I hear them too.
Harry, it's just an empty archway.
Please, Harry.
Get behind me.
Did you actually believe...
...or were you truly naive enoughto think...
...that children stood a chanceagainst us?.
I'll make this simple for you, Potter.
Give me the prophecy now...
...or watch your friends die.
Don't give it to him, Harry.
Get away from my godson.
Now, listen to me.Take the others and get out of here.
what?. No, I'm staying with you.
You've done beautifully.
Now, let me take it from here.
Nice one, James.
Avada Kedavra.
No. No.
I killed Sirius Black.
-You coming to get me?.-Crucio.
You 've got to mean it, Harry.
She killed him. She deserves it.
You know the spell, Harry.
Do it.
So weak.
It was foolish of youto come here tonight, T om.
The Aurors are on their way.
By which time I shall be gone,and you...
...shall be dead.
You've lost, old man.
So weak.
So vulnerable.
Look at me.
Harry, it isn't how you are alike.
It's how you are not.
You're the weak one...
...and you'll never knowlove or friendship.
And I feel sorry for you.
You're a fool, Harry Potter.
And you will lose everything.
He's back.
I know how you feel, Harry.
No, you don't.
It's my fault.
No, the fault is mine.
I knew it was only a matter of time...
...before Voldemort made the connectionbetween you.
I thought by distancing myself from you,as I have done all year...
...he'd be less tempted, and thereforeyou might be more protected.
The prophecy said:
"Neither one can livewhile the other one survives. "
It means one of us is gonnahave to kill the other, in the end.
why didn't you tell me?.
For the same reasonyou tried to save Sirius.
The same reason your friends saved you.
After all these years,after all you've suffered...
... I didn't want to cause youany more pain.
I cared too much about you.
How come you're not at the feast?.
Lost all my possessions. Apparentlypeople have been hiding them.
That's awful.
Oh, it's all good fun.
But as it's the last night,I really do need them back.
Do you want any help finding them?.
I'm sorry about your godfather, Harry.
Are you sure you don't wantany help looking?.
That's all right.
Anyway, my mum always said...
...the things we lose have a wayof coming back to us in the end.
If not always in the way we expect.
Think I'll just go have some pudding.
I've been thinking about somethingDumbledore said to me.
What's that?.
That even thoughwe've got a fight ahead of us...
...we've got one thingthat Voldemort doesn't have.
Something worth fighting for.
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